Stop Overthinking, Round UP Your Confidence

 If you are an overthinker, Stop. It is holding you back.

If you are looking for a sign, this is it. Stop. There is no need to overthink.

Realize that most people are simply doing what they do without a lot of thought and trepidation. In nature, animals do what they are meant to without needing to convince themselves of every move and step. Stop overthinking, it is holding you back.

When the bird flies or the fish swims, it is doing what it is meant to do, not what the active mind is permitting it to do. Stop overthinking, it is holding you back. 

In Hinduism, there is a term for this natural unbothered state of being, where we do what we are meant to without hesitation and with full force of purpose. Dharma, one's true natural purpose.

The mind often talks us out of our Dharma. Quiet the mind. Round up your confidence.

Consider all of the moments in your life when you could have spoken up, taken action, but did not. Do not live with the consequent feelings, have the confidence and unbothered belief in yourself to speak up and to take action.

If you are an overthinker, then you being on the fence about something translates into an obvious GO for most people. And you know what? They do just fine. There is no need to hesitate and to self doubt. You are powerful and you are strong. Be confident and realize that the cup does not need to be filled to the brim in order to be full. Round up your confidence and see the world for what it is, beautiful and full of possibility. See yourself for what you are, beautiful and full of possibility. 


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